OFA Evaluations | Dog Hip Radiographs Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer

OFA Evaluations 

Ensure your dog's hips are healthy

Green Mountain Animal Hospital offers Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) evaluations for canines.

OFA Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

X-rays assess the presence of hip or elbow dysplasia in dogs via subjective scoring by boarded radiologists. The x-rays can be performed without sedation for some, while other stressed or strong animals may require sedation for optimal positioning. Positioning is extremely important for OFA assessment, and hospitals with significant OFA positioning experience are best selected to achieve your dog’s best score possible.

Final scores can be obtained at two years or older for all breeds. Preliminary OFA evaluations can be performed in younger dogs, after four months of age. Results are usually returned to the owner and our practice from the submission date in 2-4 weeks.

Even if your dog is expected to behave well for x-rays, we recommend fasting in case of need for any sedation arises.


OFA Thyroid:

Thyroid blood testing can be obtained for submission. Thyroid testing must be done when the dog is not in estrus if female. Fasting (not feeding) before the appointment can help to yield the best sample possible for submission. Sample interpretation at an approved OFA lab usually takes 2-4 weeks for results.

OFA Cardiac:

Auscultation of the heart by a general practitioner is available at our hospital. Aside from filling out OFA forms, no special preparation is required before the appointment. We do not have a cardiologist, so advanced auscultation assessments, echocardiograms, and other requirements must be met at a cardiologist’s office or a local cardiology clinic.

OFA Patellar Luxation

Patellar luxation evaluation is performed as part of a physical exam at our hospital. Aside from filling out OFA forms, no special preparation is required before the appointment.

OFA Dentition:

Dentition evaluation is performed by determining if all teeth are present on physical exam in our hospital. Aside from filling out OFA forms, no special preparation is required before the appointment.

Other testing:

Other OFA and genetic screening tests may be appropriate for your breed. If you have specific testing requiring veterinary assistance, please contact our office to inquire about whether we can accomplish these tests for your dog.

For more information, visit the OFA website:


OFA submission forms may be filled out before your appointment and can be found here:

*Please make sure to select multiple OFA forms if applicable when filling them out online


Schedule a Consultation Today

Please call us at (303) 985-8761 if you have questions about OFA evaluations or would like to schedule a consultation for your dog.

OFA  Evaluations 

Green Mountain Animal Hospital